Sunday, December 9, 2007

Palestine-Israel, Update for the weekly report of the AAtW activity.... 09 Dec 2007

This Saturday activists of the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative were involved in two actions. The first in the morning at the E1 area, and the second in Tel-Aviv.
This morning, a group of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists put up an outpost in the E1 area which is designated to be an expansion of Ma'ale Edumim in a way that it will connect it to Jerusalem and cut the West Bank in two.

The police and the border police have arrived at the scene and start the repression activity.

All the activists involved were detained and the police have confiscated the keys of the truck that transported the material to the area. Later, all have been released. The conditions are that they keep out of the area for 15 days. The three Palestinians have already gotten summoned to trail on 11 Feb. The Israelis and internationals have not been summoned to trial yet.

This Saturday evening the "Israeli conference for business" was started at the David Intercontinental hotel. few scores of social activists demonstrated near the entrance against "the law of regularization" and the conference of the oppressors. (In Hebrew the two labels differ in one letter with the sound of 'S' or 'Sh'.)

The activists of the AAtW initiative were on their way in a critical mass of Bicycle riders against occupation and the businesses involved, from the city square to the place of the conference. After we passed half the way, the police tried to force us to stop blocking the traffic on the road. As we were not doing it in time, a unit of the special police force was summoned. They arrested brutally six of us - including a certificated media worker, and punctured few of the wheels of the bicycles.

After a while, we repaired the sabotaged wheels and split forces - half the participants continued to the business conference and the other half went to protest the arrest of our comrade at the police station they were taken to.

Later, the media worker was released while the other 5 were not released and will appear in front of the judge Sunday morning.

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