Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Palestine-Israel, the joint struggle and the activities within Israel

The Israeli state forces escalate their repression lately. Their main target are pressure on Palestinian farmers to transfer out from the Jordan valley and the south of Hebron hills, and the joint struggle against settlers expansion and Israeli state terror at Beit Ummar, Nebi Saleh, and Qadum. All along the last weeks there are demonstrations and vigils against the intended bombing attack of Israel on the nuclear facilities of Iran. Few of them in front of the security compound at Kaplan street, others were mainly in front of the not far away apartment tower where the security minister Barak live. Israel Putermam video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QPUnMJIBJM At the security compound. The struggle against the harassment of refugees and the social struggle continue too but no large masses are involved.

Beit Omar

Israeli soldiers try to disperse Israeli, foreign and Palestinian demonstrators protesting against the occupation of Palestinian land by illegal Jewish settlers from the illegal Karmi Tsor settlement near the village of Beit Omar, north of the West Bank town of Hebron, in the occupied Israeli West Bank on August, 25 2012. AFP PHOTO / HAZEM BADER


The end of the Summer is still hot in Bil'in this Friday. As Usual most of us went by car from the village center to the Abu Lamun park near the separation wall. About a dozen Israelis, two dozen internationals, a delegation of youth from Nablus (with eggs) and Bil'iners, started the demo by approaching the near by wall with the usual chants.
After a while the eggs started to fly in the direction of the soldiers piping behind the wall. Slowly the state forces tried to make us smell the Fragrance of Israel using the spray of Skunk like flavored water. The northern winds carried the water away but still forced us to keep a distance from the wall. Only after about half an hour the real shower of tear gas canisters was shot on us.
The second wave of tear gas marked the end of the demonstration and we returned to the village.
Me with the white hat http://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/486543_4565035007066_1231347635_n.jpg
Rani Abdel Fatah http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4565030646957.330578.1327358013
Israel Puterman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIUNciBBCOQ

Nabi Saleh

"Rough day in Nabi Saleh. Massive forces of IOF and border police invaded the village. They were instructed to break the doors of the houses, and get everybody out. Many Palestinian and Israelis have been arrested, no accurate numbers yet. Amongst the Arrestees, Nariman Tamimi. A Palestinian youth lost two fingers. The soldiers shot directly at his hand. It isn't clear whether they were using direct impact or live ammo bullets. They are using live ammo inside the village".
After being driven from one settlement to another for a good few hours all the detainees were recently released at the entrance to Nabi Salih. With no conditions or bail.
Israeli soldiers going by house by house and arresting young men in the village of Nabi Saleh, West Bank, on August 24, 2012, shortly after the violent dispersal of the weekly protest against the occupation held in the village.
Oren Ziv/Activestills.org http://www.flickr.com/photos/activestills/7850457738/in/photostream
Haim Schwarczenberg http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.253460664773635.55499.202358256550543
David Reeb http://youtu.be/ZBQpwNYMvUw

Al-Ma'sara weekly demonstration, Aug. 24, 2012


Kafr Qaddum

A relatively quiet demo in Kufar Kaddum this Friday.
We were some 200 Palestinians, 5 Israelis, 2-3 Internationals.
The soldiers and the bulldozer stayed away from us and did not get into the village.
A number of tear gas canisters were shot, no one injured or arrested.
In the end we celebrated our victory over the forces of evil.
The falafel in Nebi Elias was a bit dry, but the salads compensated.
Lior Ben Eliahu http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3448461741301

Nilin weekly demonstration, Aug. 24, 2012


* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See Previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part in at the blog
See also: http://awalls.org

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